How to Prepare Your Vendor Booth for Merry Market with Art Garden KC
Merry Market at City Market, curated by Art Garden KC, is one of Kansas City's most beloved holiday markets. If you're a vendor, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your unique, handmade products to the local community. Whether you’re new to outdoor markets or a seasoned vendor, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare your booth for Merry Market this holiday season.
5 Reasons to Shop Local at Art Garden KC
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the value of supporting local businesses. However, when it comes to a vibrant artistic community like Art Garden KC, shopping local takes on a whole new meaning. Whether you're an art enthusiast, a creative soul, or simply someone who appreciates unique creations, here are five compelling reasons why you should prioritize shopping locally at Art Garden KC.
Plan Ahead for First-Time Vending at Art Garden KC: Your Guide to Success
If you're an aspiring artist or artisan looking to showcase your unique creations to a diverse audience, vending at Art Garden KC can be an exciting opportunity to kickstart your journey. However, as a first-time vendor, you might wonder how to make the most of this experience and ensure a successful event. Don't worry; we've got you covered!